
People of #CATEYEbyCET

The beautiful humans and amazing participants of #CATEYEbyCET who have made this Erasmus+ Training course in Krushevo, N. Macedonia a BIG success and an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

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Performing stand-up comedy acts on social issues

The afternoon sessions of our training course “Comedy as a Tool – Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” were all about putting the previously learned principles and techniques of stand-up comedy and public speaking into practice. But, before we got into that, we did a fun…

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Preparing stand-up comedy acts on social issues

In the afternoon of the 4th day of our training course “Comedy as a Tool – Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” everyone returned to their groups and collectively learned about some different templates that are commonly used in creating a good joke. Then by following…

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Getting-to-know each other better

We started the second day of our training course “Comedy as a Tool – Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” with activities to get to know each other better by doing different ice-breakers and name games. Firstly, we said the meaning of our names and an…

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Arrivals and first introductions

The arrival day for every participant of our Erasmus+ training course “Comedy as a Tool – Enhancing Youth Engagement through Humor” began a little bit differently. Some of the participants arrived in Skopje and had a van waiting for them. Three participants from Turkey, three…

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